10-20-21 Devotions In Psalms

Psalm 139:13-16

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body

    and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!

    Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.

You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,

    as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.

You saw me before I was born.

    Every day of my life was recorded in your book.

Every moment was laid out

    before a single day had passed.

Nothing in this world rivals the “wonderfully complex” and “marvelous” design of the human body. We are the pinnacle of creation, the greatest of all God’s work on earth. In fact, God made the whole world just to give us a place to live. He loves us more and poured more of himself into us than any other part of creation. Not only are human bodies marvelously built, but God also breathed life into us, giving us souls, spiritual hearts that no other creature has. Even our most advanced and sophisticated technology can’t match what God did in creating people. Scientific advances and medical breakthroughs may continue to push the envelope of what is possible, but none will ever knock humans off the pedestal.

David appreciated the wonder of God’s creative power, and he rejoiced in the personal care and workmanship by which God fashioned his body and life. It’s remarkable how God designed human life, and more remarkable still that He continues to oversee the weaving together of each individual person. What a powerful statement of faith to declare, as David did under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that God saw him before he was born and laid out every moment of his life. From the womb to the grave, God watches over and cares for us, because we matter more than anything else in this world.

Many people struggle with low self-worth. The disappointments you endure and the unrealistic expectations set by others may cause you to look down on yourself, to judge your failures too harshly and to overlook the wonder of what God created in you. Don’t fall for those deceptions. You are wonderful. God took the time to knit you together, crafting you in his loving and wise hands, even charting out the course of your life according to his perfect and good plan. Above all else, God loves you. He desires to spend all eternity with you. Despite your shortcomings and imperfections, God loves you so much that He gave his own Son for you. Your Creator is also your Redeemer. Rejoice in how wonderfully God created you and in how deeply He loves you.

Thank You, Mighty God, for knitting me together and for watching over every moment of my life. I rejoice in Your power and goodness. Help me to use my life to share Your love with others and to honor the name of Jesus. Amen.
Pastor Mike Mirakian

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