September Message From Pastor Mike: “Our New Season of Ministry”

moments of uncertainty, it’s comforting to hold onto those things that remain steady and sure. As our world continues through the difficult pandemic ordeal, with all its ups and downs, God has enabled our church to move forward and has kept our ministries running strong. We have been blessed and protected in many ways, and now we are ready to begin another fall season with hopes of continued fruitful and faithful ministry.

I hope each of you will find somewhere to connect so you can be encouraged and be a blessing to others. Let me share some of what you can expect in the coming weeks.

The Adult Sunday School class will continue with Immerse, reading through our last portion of the Old Testament. Even if you have not joined Immerse over the past three years, you can still be a part of this group. Each week, we read several chapters of scripture and then gather to discuss how God has revealed him-self to us through His word. This program has drawn many of us closer to God and to each other and has enriched our appreciation for God’s word, even the more obscure corners of scripture that we don’t often read. Sunday School begins September 12.

The Youth Sunday School class will work through Experiencing God, a devotional Bible study that will help our young people grow in their relationship with Jesus. My wife Laura will lead the group again this year, and they are always ready to welcome in other teens. Again, Sunday School begins September 12.

I will lead the Pastor’s Bible Study, gathering on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. We will study our way through Philippians and Colossians this fall. In addition to digging into God’s word together, we begin each week with a brief discussion of current events to help us think about the world through the eyes of faith and God’s truth. Everyone is welcome to join us on Thursday mornings, beginning September 2.

Another mid-week opportunity is the Women’s Fellowship that meets Tuesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. This long-running ministry provides a time of fellowship, prayer and Bible study. The group has also been an important outreach ministry for our church, as a welcoming place to invite friends and where ladies new to the church can connect with others and grow in faith. The Women’s Fellowship will resume meeting on September 7.

We also excited to be planning the Church Picnic for Sunday, September 12, following worship. This year we will host the meal and activities downstairs in the fellowship area. Everyone is invite to attend, and please watch the bulletin for information about how you can help.

Many of us also enjoy the monthly lunch gatherings of 60 Plus. This on-going ministry could not meet for several months because of the pandemic but has been back to its usual schedule since the spring. Watch the bulletin for details about when and where upcoming lunches will be held.

For those new to Broadway, I will lead a Church Membership Class in October. Anyone who would like to learn more about our congregation, the ECC denomination and what it means to be a church member is welcome to join this 3-week class. If you are interested, please let me know, and we will find a time to meet that is convenient for everyone.

With all of these offerings, I hope you will find one or more places to connect faithfully with our church family. God has more good things in store for Broadway, and we can each be a part of helping one an-other grow in our relationship with Jesus.

Picture of update

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