Devotions With Jesus – June 22 From Pastor Mike

Matthew 7:7-8

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

            These words teach us about the character of God. He’s the kind of God you can ask to help you through a tough situation. He’s the kind of God who can be found when you need him. He’s the kind of God who invites you to knock at his door. Jesus wants us to know that God loves us enough to allow even sinful, broken people like us to come before him with our needs and desires. It’s okay to ask. God doesn’t hide up in heaven. If you knock on his door, He will let you in.

            That’s not the kind of God many people in Jesus’ day believed in, and from what I see in our culture, it’s also not how some people understand God today. Some people think that God is inaccessible, far away and high above any earthly concerns, but Jesus called God Father and taught us how deeply He cares for us, like his beloved children. Some people fear God and try to hide from his unquenchable wrath, but Jesus told us God blesses us each day and invites us to ask him for anything we need. Some people doubt God’s existence or try to remake him into their own image, but Jesus gave us permission to knock at God’s door, trusting that He will allow us to enter into an eternal, loving relationship with him.

            I don’t know what you are asking God for today, but I know that He is listening. I don’t know how desperately you might be seeking after him right now, but I know He is drawing close to you. I don’t know why you are knocking at his door, but I know He will open it joyfully and let you in. Jesus died and rose again to make this kind of relationship with God possible. So, don’t be afraid to ask, seek and knock. God is waiting for you.

Father, You are glorious and holy, and You are loving and kind. Thank You for inviting me to know You and to come before You with all my needs. I am knocking at Your door, believing in my heart that You listen to me and love me. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Pastor Mike Mirakian

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