Pastor Mike’s Blog: Many Hands and Many Feet

No one can do it all, and in the church, no one person can handle every issue and need that arises. We depend on lots of willing and able hands to accomplish all the many tasks required for our ministries. From small jobs to large, from up-front ministries to behind the scenes efforts, from administrative chores to spiritual undertakings, keeping a church moving forward means lots of people doing lots of jobs.

The good news is that Broadway is blessed with many generous and talented servants. As we approach the May 20 congregational meeting, during which we will elect (and re-elect) Leadership Team members, I am reminded of the church’s need for faithful, wise and dedicated volunteers.

For generations, Broadway has been led not only by pastors or staff members, but even more, by gifted and generous lay people. Without the dedication of church members who give of their time and energy, the church could never accomplish what God has called us to do.

So, we should be grateful for those who serve in important ministry areas. I know I am. And it’s not just those who are elected to leadership roles, but everyone who shows up to help with each of our ministries deserves our thanks.

I have often been amazed at how God places the right people into ministry positions at the right time, and at how willingly church members use their gifts. It might be an attorney who advises the church on a legal matter or an accountant who helps balance the books or a plumber who fixes a leaky pipe. It might even be a retired electrician who teaches a Sunday School class or a teacher who helps paint the walls.

The church needs people like you!

I am also reminded during seasons of leadership transition that those who step forward to serve in the church deserve more than our gratitude. They also deserve our support, prayers and grace. People who take on time-consuming tasks at the church add these duties on top of busy family and work responsibilities. Time and energy given to the church takes away from what could be given to family, and I trust God sees these sacrifices and rewards them with extra strength when needed most.

Some ministry positions within the church are elected, but many more people step forward to serve as needed and in areas where they have gifts and talents. As Paul wrote to the Corinthian church, every gift is needed and every place of service matters to the building up of the whole body (1 Corinthians 12). “Now you are the body of Christ,” he wrote, “and each one of you is a part of it” (1 Cor. 12:27).

Paul also warned the church not to prioritize certain gifts or ministry roles over others. As we elect Leadership Team members and church officers, it would be easy to assume that these people are the most im-portant or the most gifted. While I trust God does call forward wise and gifted people to serve in these roles, I also see the many hands and feet that operate behind the scenes and in quiet moments to keep the church run-ning smoothly.

“God has placed the parts of the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be” (1 Cor. 12:18). I am grateful for that promise, and for each of you!

Picture of update

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